About The Organization
Are all the children of believers saved?
I've been in the children's ministry since I've been in church; 28 years. My first impression was: "Wow, what lucky children" Having parents in the faith! To grow in stable families who give them attention, love, quality moments and spiritual guidance. I quickly became disillusioned, the BKs (believers ’kids = children of believers) if I can allow myself the expression are children who must:
• Share their parents with other children and the faithful
• Always have the house invaded
• Having nothing for yourself
• See their faults exposed in the church, in prayer meetings
• Being deprived of their parents who are too busy with meetings, ministries, etc.
• Be models
• Being believers because the parents are believers
• Obey the Bible and live as exemplary Christians
Without realizing it, we produce children who:
• Bored and understand nothing of the Word of God
• Have developed the art of pretending, of concealing
• Hide their weaknesses and faults
• Seek help other than from parents
• Live in secret and fear of being judged and rejected
• Lead a double life
In short children of religious believers and not saved at all!
While I was busy with these children, I saw very clearly that these children of the covenant, sanctified, set apart and consecrated to God from their births, lost their way before they could even return. possession of their inheritance which is graciously offered by Christ and not by the line of children of believers.
This is how I have dedicated myself to the children of the Church since time with all my family, working to make the Word of God accessible, understandable, interesting, fun for them to produce the life of Christ in them and make them understand that they are not judged, that everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect, that Christian life is not always rosy and that the important thing is to persevere. For it is he who will persevere who will be saved.
~ Olga Guillaumond Nka
Our Founders
Olga Nka Gauillaumond
I've been in the children's ministry since I've been in church; 28 years. My first impression was: "Wow, what lucky children" Having parents in the faith! To grow in stable families who give them attention, love, quality moments and spiritual guidance.
Dr. Lin Bernard Nka
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt. 19:14 (NIV) I believe they are a good soil in which God’s seeds can “come up, grow and produce a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times”... without being stifled by bills and taxes. That’s why we endeavor to “Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.” Prov. 22:6 (GNT)
Emmanuella KIYUNG
Hi, I think ministry is a very sensitive area in the church and we need to take good care of it. I say it that if we don't give our little children a good education, they will grow up with an idea different from God.
Nelly Guepnang Kristelle
I did not have the grace to grow up in an environment in which these children are. And many children around the world are not so fortunate. I have been called and received the need to help the children around me and it is a privilege to be able to see this grow in faith and acquire new skills.
Danielle Marie Nka
I have been in children's ministry for as long as I remember. I have been helping my mother these years, dealing with her Sunday school kids. At first, I found it strenuous and overwhelming and a great responsibility, but with time and maturity, I’ve come to find it really interesting. I also noticed that my heart is drawn to kids everywhere I go, I just feel like we understand each other.
Paule Marie Ekam
I have always been passionate about the company of toddlers, it was then at the age of 17 years I was called to this ministry
David Godwill Nka
By God's grace, i have been attending Sunday school since my birth. First as a child learning, and now as a mentor. It has been a blessing to grow up within an environment with people that love you and wish the best for you. Hopefully, and our wish for Minenfants is that all the children coming here will be blessed and will have enough joy to bless others.
Address: Nkolanga'a Center, Awae Escalier, Yaoundé, Cameroon
infoline: +237 677 986 717
Mail: [email protected]
Period: Service — Sunday 9:00am - 11:30am
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